How to Face Paint with Confidence

One thing that many new face painters have in common is a lack of confidence when picking up a paintbrush, learning how to face paint for the first time. Face painting with confidence is really a combination of thinking positively and practicing so that you too can paint with the confidence of a professional face painter!

It can be difficult to feel confident when you’re just learning how to face paint and you’re not sure about what you’re doing. But surely this isn’t the first thing you’ve tried to learn in your life, right? People are so quick to forget their achievements and dwell on the things that they’ve failed or how hard the new task in front of them is.

So, help build your confidence by just purely being aware that you already have a whole range of your own skills – if you have already learnt all that, then surely you can learn how to face paint!

Fear of Failure - Afraid of making mistakes? Afraid that no one will like your face painting designs? The thought of failure can attack your self confidence and can drive you to procrastinate, to always put off learning new things like how to face paint. A way to combat the thought of failing is through positive thinking. If you think you’re going to fail, you will. If you think you’re going to succeed, you will!

Making Mistakes - Artists who aren’t afraid of making mistakes still make mistakes but they don’t see it as a failure, they see it as a learning experience. So be happy that you’ve made a mistake! You’ve just taught yourself a lesson that is going and make yourself a better painter!

Remember that often we are much harder on ourselves than we are on other people especially in the case of learning how to face paint. The mistake you just made may seem gigantic to you but chances are nobody else will even notice unless you actually point it out! And with children, they’re not going to mind about a few wobbly lines or a design that’s not quite ‘perfect’, they’re usually just happy and satisfied enough with the fact that they get to feel special having their face painted!

Practice makes perfect – we’ve all heard that line before. But in the art world there’s really no such thing as perfect. Everybody has to practice in order to improve, even professional painters who have been painting for ten years still practice and they’re constantly learning new things about how to face paint all the time. The more you put into it, the more you’ll eventually get out of it.