Quilting - Stimulate Your Senses

Quilting is an amazing art that has been around for centuries. You probably have warm memories of curling up wit a homemade quilt when you were a small child. It will have given you comfort and security, but I am willing to bet that one of your ancestors actually spent hours, days and even weeks putting that together. Quilting is a hobby that emerged out of necessity but has been passed down through the years as a hobby now instead. We have no real need for it because there are now manufactured quilts readily available, but none of them have the same value as one made via your own quilting hand!

Quilting In The Modern Day Context

If you have ever gone through an old cupboard and found a beautiful old hand made quilt then you will know the sentimental value that they offer. Quilting may have produced some of the most valuable pieces of your family’s history and some families even pass old quilts down through the generations. Your great grandmother probably made a quilt that has been passed down to your grandmother, your mother and finally you. You will then pass it on to your daughter to continue the trend. Quilting is an old art and you may never be able to replicate the old beauty of pieces like that, but you can enjoy them!

Quilting pieces are a few of the items that do tend to be passed down from generation to generation without fail. There are very few heirlooms like this that get lost or damaged because the sentimental value behind them is just too much. The hours that have been poured into it give it a majestic quality that seems to radiate from the piece with ease. Quilting is a common resting place for a baby as well. Quilting pieces are often given to newborns as a birth or christening present. As a result, we are more likely to remember them as adults and act accordingly, treasuring them and guarding them with our lives in some cases.

The Sentimental Value Of Quilting

If you have ever had even a slight urge to learn quilting then you should go ahead with it. The quilts that you make can be passed down through the next generations of your family, just as your maternal ancestors have passed their down to you. It should be an ongoing tradition that families take part in. Your children will undoubtedly thank you for it.